Sunday 7 July 2013

Poem: A Humpty Dumpty Sandwich

I want to make
You smile says
A friend

I went into
My daily sandwich shop

Guess what
A new trainee
At the counter

So my mind
Travels a bit of fun

Yes Sir she says
What sandwich
Would you like

A Humpty Dumpty
Sandwich please

Sorry Sir
I beg your pardon
Could you repeat that

A Humpty Dumpty
Sandwich please

Sorry Sir
We don't have that
On the menu

Well lady
It was there yesterday
And since I was born

Can you call your
Manager please

"O" God it is him again
Don't take notice of him

Its because you are
New he is teasing you

Just slap him
With egg and butter sandwich

He is Mr Crack A Joke
Who also brought
Monopoly money

On my first day
I just fell off the wall!

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