Sunday 5 January 2014

Song: Filling you with heart shapes

Love Conceptclick on image or read on

Darling I had a dream
I am sure it was from heaven
They always talk about love
They always have a message for you
They always have a message for me
Can you see the picture I am holding for you

My hands were full of little hearts
And your shoes were standing there
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Don't ask me how it happens
I know it is your magic
Only heaven understands you in love
Only heaven understands me in love

My hands were full of little hearts
And your shoes were standing there
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Our eyes became one I know it is your magic
Our eyes became one I know it is your magic
Can you see the picture I am holding for you

Your shoes were standing there
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Angels and I filled up our wishes for you
Don't ask me how it happens
I know it is your magic our eyes became one
I know it is your magic our eyes became one

Darling I had a dream
Your shoes were standing there
Can you see the picture I am holding for you
I am sure it was from heaven
They always talk about love
They always have a message for you
They always have a message for me
I know it is your magic our shoes became one love
I know it is your magic our shoes became one love

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